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  • Writer's pictureTim Gerstenberger

Saved by the Bell: Our 3 Favorite Tori Episodes

When most Saved by the Bell fans look back on the series, they tend to reminiscence about the antics of Zack, Kelly, Slater, Lisa, Jessie, and Screech. In the final season, biker chick Tori joined the gang to accommodate for the absence of Kelly and Jessie. I remember growing up and being upset and the opening credits would indicate a Tori themed episode.

After rewatching the series during the pandemic, I have come to appreciate those episodes - even if Zack and Tori were the worst couple of the entire run (even worse than the short-lived coupling of Zack and Lisa. Here is a look at the three best episodes to feature Ms. Scott.

3. School Song

Bayside High (thanks to Zack) decides to hold a contest for a new school song. Seniors are allowed to submit a song and vote on the winner. Zack, wanting to leave a positive impression on his classmates after years of pranks, rigs the contest so he can win. The gang figure this out and quickly foil his plan of winning in the final round. Screech's song, after being reworked by Lisa, Slater, and Tori, is the winner and is sung on Saved by the Bell: The New Class. Crazy how everyone can play the piano and we never knew this until now?!

2. Drinking and Driving

At times, Saved by the Bell would tackle a serious topic for teenagers i.e. Jessie on caffeine pills. This time, it is Homecoming and the gang are at a party where alcohol is served. Tori and Screech pass on the booze. Though Screech is the sober one, Zack insists on driving and crashes the car. Slater is injured and can't play in the football game. Too bad Tori hadn't stuck around to be the DD for her friends that made poor decisions...

  1. Masquerade Ball

Though this is the start of the Zack/Tori relationship, I look past this and the humor that ensues because of a Three's Company misunderstanding. The gang attends a masquerade party and due to several love letters are confused with who is writing them. In the end, a hilarious kiss between Slater and Screech occurs, and Lisa screams when she finds out who is writing the letters. Throw in the kooky Ms. Culpepper and you have the funniest of the 10 Tori episodes.

Which Tori episode of Saved by the Bell is your favorite? Let us know in the comments.

Photo by NBC

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