The Office's Michael Scott may be on of the most hilarious character's in television history. Part of the reason why he is so funny is due to the fact of horrible a manager he is to the team at Dunder Mifflin Scranton. Regardless of how great of a boss Michael is, he still needs to complete his annual performance reviews for his staff. Check out this review of Ryan Howard. To put things into perspective, this evaluation would have taken place during the 3rd season of the show.
Employee Evaluation
Dunder Mifflin Paper Company
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Employee Information
Name: Ryan Howard
Employee ID: 6969 – HA HA
Job Title: Temp
Date: December 2006
Department: Sales
Manager: Michael Gary Scott
Review Period: January – December 2006
1 = Poor
2 = Fair
3 = Satisfactory
4 = Good
5 = Excellent
Job Knowledge
3 Satisfactory
His basketball dribbling skills are better than Stanley’s (which surprised me), but not as good as Jim.
Work Quality
5 Excellent
Ryan can clean out a Sebring like the best of them. A man needs his Filet O'Fish sammies.
5 Excellent
Ryan did an excellent job coming into work early with my breakfast sandwich. Next time, I suggest him sit in my office while I eat it.
4 Good
Ryan shows great initiative while making his own food in the microwave, but still needs supervision so he doesn’t burn the office down again.
Communication/Listening Skills
2 Fair
Ryan does not return my phone calls or respond to my hilarious voicemails. He also did not say Thank you for the awesome iPod I got him for Christmas.
5 Excellent
If I ever need help off a toilet, I want it to be Ryan to assist me. He didn’t hear me when I actually did need him that one time. Not his fault.
Overall Rating (average the rating numbers above)
5 Excellent
Ryan always leaves me satisfied and smiling. – That’s what she said.
Additional Comments
Ryan is the hot guy friend I always wanted, but never had. If I needed to sleep with anyone in the office, it would be him. Even more than Pam.
(as agreed upon by employee and manager) - Ryan hasn't agreed, but he will come around - That's what she said.
Continue to hold the title of Office Hottie for the next Dundie Awards ceremony.
Come to Michael Scott’s house once a week to talk about guy stuff.
Start a band - bring in Dwight, Darryl, and Jim
Verification of Review
By signing this form, you confirm that you have discussed this review in detail with your supervisor. Signing this form does not necessarily indicate that you agree with this evaluation.
Employee Signature: Ryan Howard - refused to sign
Date: 12/21/2006
Manager Signature: Michael Gary Scott
Date: 12/21/2006
Photo by NBC