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  • Writer's pictureTim Gerstenberger

Big Brother: We Predict Who Christmas Will Nominate

It was an exciting night in the Big Brother house for Christmas. She started the evening in one of the eviction seats after volunteering to go up as a pawn. Once Kaysar was evicted by a unanimous vote, the HOH competition was underway. Without much effort on her part, Christmas was crowned the victor of the competition. You were so close, Day!

Even though Christmas is the HOH, Tyler and Cody are the ones running the show. Don't expect any big moves happening with her nomination selections.The alliance is now finally gunning to take Dani out, but we still don't think she will be going on the block. Dani is a definite possibility for a back-door scenario, since Enzo failed to step up and do that this week.

Christmas hasn't shown any solidarity to Da'Vonne or Bayleigh yet this season, so they have a very high probability of going up on the block against one another. It is no secret that the two are in an alliance, so it is beneficial for The Committee to get rid of one of them this week. Though Da and Bay are in the Slick 6, it appears that alliance may be dissipating quickly.

Kevin will be this season's pawn. It wouldn't be surprising if Christmas took the easy way out (like Enzo) and put him on the block again. Kevin doesn't have any strong alliances, so if he does stay the chances he would go after Christmas are pretty low. Even though he did win the POV this week, he is still considered by most of the house as a weak competitor.

And then there is David. The Big Brother house is getting tired of his lack of understanding of the game, so his time could be up this week. His odds of going up are not as high as the other three, but we could see him being a replacement nominee if Christmas doesn't want to make a big move to target Dani. This season has proven to be quite boring and Christmas won't change that!

Who do you think will go up, let us know in the comments.

Photo by: CBS

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