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  • Writer's pictureTim Gerstenberger

Big Brother: "Spoiler"'s Nomination Predictions

What a crazy night in the Big Brother house! Viewers were treated to the first ever Triple Eviction. By the end of the night Kevin, David, and Dani were sent packing and are headed to the jury house. Hopefully we will get to see some footage of their arrivals to greet Ian and Day.

The remaining houseguests had to compete in one final Head of Household competition after the 2 hour episode concluded. Cody came out as the victor. He will now have to pick between his alliance members, something he has been hesitant to do in the past.

Based on how last night went, Cody's main targets are Tyler and Christmas. Dani, who was one of Cody's closest allies, threw the duo under the bus in her eviction speech. Now the houseguests are aware of their final two alliance. If those nominations hold through after the POV, Tyler may be saying adios and headed to jury.

If Tyler or Christmas win POV, Memphis will be used as the replacement nominee. It is a toss up between Christmas or Memphis on who will be going home. Because of Enzo, Cody is aware of both Wise Guys alliances that Memphis made, so that could be two votes against him right there.

Enzo and Nicole should be safe this week as Cody has made final two deals with them both. Nicole has proven she does not perform well in competitions this season. We think that she may be the one who is brought along as everyone's final two. At this point, she can't beat any of the other five houseguests.

Remember Big Brother moves to Monday this week. What are we going to do with ourselves having to wait that long for a new episode?!

Who do you think Cody will nominate? Let us know in the comments.

Photo via CBS

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