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  • Writer's pictureTim Gerstenberger

Big Brother: Kevin vs. Day - We Predict Who is Evicted

It has been yet another predictable week in the Big Brother house. The Committee continues to hold the power as Memphis was crowned HOH for the second time this season. And just like the rest of his alliance, he was not ready to make a big move this week. Though we hate The Committee, we are looking forward to when one of them has to finally put up their alliance members.

Memphis nominated Kevin and Day for eviction. Those nominations stayed in tact after Tyler won the POV and kept nominations the same. Though Memphis was hoping to backdoor David, Tyler still wants him as an ally in the house. Plus David's target grew even larger when Dani accused him of voting out Ian when it was Nicole F that backstabbed him.

Though we have been correct in our predictions for the last six weeks, we were still a little stumped on this one earlier in the week. Most of the house has been talking about getting rid of Day. They are still unhappy that she used the veto last week on Kevin forcing the house to get rid of Ian earlier than The Committee wanted. Even she is having conversations with Kevin about who he should target next week in the event that he is the next HOH. That seems like pretty damning evidence that Day will be the one chatting with her "Julie Girl" before the night is over.

Who do you think will be evicted? Let us know in the comments.

Photo by: CBS

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