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  • Writer's pictureTim Gerstenberger

Big Brother: Keesha vs. Kevin - Who We Think is Going Home

Eviction night is finally here! Big Brother 22 started last week and fans were able to get their first glimpse of the All-Star cast. Week one is coming to an end and someone will be leaving the Big Brother house tonight. Keesha and Kevin are on the block. Here is who we think will be interviewed by Julie Chen AKA Chenbot before the end of the night.

It has been years since Keesha and Kevin have both played the Big Brother game. Keesha proved herself to be a worthy competitor by coming in 4th during her original season. She was even voted America's Favorite Houseguest. Had she appeared on a season that didn't feature fan favorite Dan (and a secret alliance with Memphis), we think she could have taken home the grand prize.

Kevin also placed well in his season, as he came in 3rd. However, his game play wasn't necessarily strong. That season saw many of the weaker competitors (remember 2nd place Natalie?) making it to the end, which was the case with Kevin. Overall, he was boring to watch all Summer.

Right now, the houseguests seem to be gunning for Keesha's eviction and we think she will be the one ousted. A lot of this has to do with no one picturing Kevin as a threat. Both houseguests are likable, so we think this one is coming down to who people believe they can beat in a competition. With this mindset, we could see Kevin going far like he did previously.

Keesha, we enjoyed seeing you again. Enjoy your chat with Julie. Kevin, please be more interesting this season, so we can root for you.

Who do you think will be evicted tonight?

Photo by CBS

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