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  • Writer's pictureShawn Colson

Sci-Fi Action to Fill the Theater Void

With the pandemic keeping us (and new movies) out of theaters this spring and early summer, those of us that crave the big sci-fi/comic book blockbusters are feeling a little left out. But fear not fellow comic-book-enthusiast! I have been scouring streaming services and have some popcorn worthy recommendations to feed your alien magic time travelling needs! Please read below for a spoiler free list of Must-Watch action adventure entertainment!

[Photo: Netflix]

The Umbrella Academy (Season 2) [Netflix]

If you missed season 1, stop reading this and go watch it. I’ll wait. Seriously. NOW! Anyway, Season Two is so much better! The dialog is witty and leaps right off the comic book pages to the screen. The actors and actresses have come into the characters, and we start to see real growth for many of our favorites. The only thing better than the writing, was the soundtrack. Children of the 90’s rejoice as they take some of our favorite anthems and do strange and wonderful things! I’ve re-watched season 2 a couple times already, and will probably watch it again this week!

[Photo: IMDB]

Priest (2011 – Movie) [Netflix]

Netflix has recently added this box-office bomb from 2011. I understand why it bombed, but Karl Urban in a western-apocalypse-vampire movie is worth the 83 minutes of popcorn binging eyeball time. While the dialog or story will never be considered great, the action is well done and the special effects are executed perfectly. It is a good way to kill a couple hours on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

[Photo: CBS]

Star Trek – Lower Decks [CBS All Access]

We're only 3 episodes in on this completely new take on a classic, but I’m in love. With lots of tongue-in-cheek in-universe jokes at the other series’ expense, they explore what life might be like for non-bridge personnel on a less-than-front-line Federation ship. If you’re a big enough fan of Trek to know who the Jem’Hadar, or the Kazons, and can laugh at yourself for knowing that, then this is a must watch!

[Photo: Netflix]

Project Power (2020 – Movie) [Netflix]

Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Jamie Foxx headline this non-stop action movie set in the heart of a near-future New Orleans. It’s a well done action movie, with lots of pop-culture call outs to the superhero stories we all grew up with. If you missed this one, I highly suggest it for your next in-house movie night!

[Photo: Freeform]

Motherland – Fort Salem [Hulu]

It starts slow. But that makes you appreciate the later episodes when they throw everything at you at once. I’ve had to go back and re-watch earlier episodes, because the writing assumes you grew up in this strange world, and already know how it all works. The characters are relatable, and like-able, and the dialog is passable. It feels like someone tried to pay a tribute to Joss Whedon, and accidentally wrote a great action serial. Season 1 is out now, and I’m waiting impatiently for Season 2!

Please let me know in the comments your thoughts on these, and any suggestions you have for great sci-fi fantasy shows.

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