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  • Writer's pictureTim Gerstenberger

Friends: The 3 Best Season 5 Episodes

Whatever way you binge watch Friends episodes, we at The One With All the TV wanted to help you pick out the best from each season in case you want to go back and rewatch them. This is our fifth week doing this, so here are our picks for the top episodes of Friends Season 5. This was the season where Phoebe had the triplets, Ross moves in with the guys, and everyone finds out about Monica and Chandler.

“The One Where Everybody Finds Out,” original air date, February 11, 1999

This season five episode of Friends is my all-time favorite episode of the series. Monica and Chandler have been trying to keep their relationship from their buddies a secret. However, Joey found out after piecing together some clues that the two had gone on a secret getaway together. A little while later, Rachel finds out, yet Chandler and Monica have no idea that she knows.

In this classic outing, Ross is interested in purchasing Ugly Naked Guy’s apartment and Phoebe witnesses Chandler and Monica going at it through the window. Instead of letting her friends know that she is aware of their relationship, Phoebe decides to have a little fun of her own. She proceeds to play a mind game with Chandler where she continues to flirt with him so he will admit that he is actually dating Monica.

The game continues to escalate as Chandler catches on to what Phoebe is trying to do and decides to pay along to get her to break first. The two plan a romantic rendezvous at Chandler’s apartment, while Monica and Rachel are in hiding but still able to hear what is going on. The funniest scene is when Phoebe decides to do a special dance for Chandler and asks him to rub lotion on her body. The two eventually kiss and at this point Chandler no only admits that he is dating Monica, but also that he is in love with her.

Ross spends the entirety of the episode trying to get the apartment. He sends Ugly Naked Guy a small basket of mini muffins, but then sees that other people have sent bigger gifts including a pinball machine. He decides to hang out with the man they have been watching for years in the buff and ends up getting the apartment. When he shows a colleague his new place, he also finds out about Monica and Chandler’s relationship.

Best Quote:

Phoebe: They don’t know we know they know we know.

“The One with All the Thanksgivings,” original air date, November 19, 1998

Friends' Thanksgiving episodes are always so good and the fifth season’s outing is one of the best of the season. I said this in an earlier article, but it is very true. Friends delivers some of its greatest episodes when it is just the gang hanging out in Monica’s apartment and that is where most of the Thanksgiving episodes take place.

The gang has just finished their meal and begin to reminisce about everyone’s worst Thanksgiving. This gives fans another flashback sequence of Ross and Monica celebrating Thanksgiving at their parents. Ross brings Chandler with him from college and Rachel joins the Geller’s as well. Monica has a crush on Chandler, but he calls her fat. Over the next year, Monica loses all her weight and wants to get the last laugh with Chandler for talking so poorly about her the year prior. She tries to flirt with him and as a result she drops a knife on his toe, which he ends up losing.

In another flashback, we find out Joey gets Monica’s turkey stuck on his head. Monica decides to do the same thing in order to cheer Chandler up after he finds out the real reason he end up losing his toe. The two reconcile and Joey walks in on Monica with the turkey on her head and he screams and runs away.

Best Quote:

Chandler: I am so sorry for calling you fat! I really am. But hey, I was an idiot back then. I rushed the stage at a Wham! concert for crying out loud.

Phoebe: I can’t believe you called her fat.

Ross: I can’t believe you let George Michael slap you.

“The One with All the Resolutions,” original air date, January 7, 1999

On television shows, the celebration of New Year’s is often missed due to the holiday season preempting many of our favorite shows from airing. Friends was able to deliver an episode devoted to the holiday, albeit a few days after the New Year took place.

At this point, Monica and Chandler are still dating in secret, but they want to kiss at Midnight. With the help of Joey, they are able to make it work because Ross and Phoebe share a kiss as do Joey and Rachel.

This year, the entire gang has decided to make a resolution. Monica decides to take more pictures and Phoebe wants to fly a commercial jet. Chandler makes fun of her, so the gang decides that his resolution should be not to make fun of people. Joey wants to learn how to play a guitar. He tries to take lessons from Phoebe, but her methods are too confusing and he looks elsewhere. In the end, he goes back to Phoebe and we never hear mention on the show again about Joey playing guitar. Rachel vows not to gossip, which becomes extremely hard for her to do once she finds out Monica and Chandler are a couple.

Ross’ resolution plays a big part of the episode. He wants to try something new everyday, which sounds like a great idea. That is until he decides to wear leather pants and go to a girl’s house on a date. He gets really hot and goes into the bathroom to cool down, the leather pants end up shrinking and he cannot get them back on. He calls Joey for help, who suggests he use lotion to try to get them on. He does not succeed, however this whole scene makes this episode one of the best of season five.

Best Quote:

Ross: You know what? I’m going to be happy this year. I am going to make myself happy.

Chandler: Do you want us to leave the room?

What is your favorite Friends Season 5 episode? Let us know in the comments section.

Photo via NBC

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