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  • Writer's pictureTim Gerstenberger

Friends: Our Favorite Phoebe Buffay Songs

Friends is one of the biggest hits of the 1990s. The series has built a popular brand over the last 25+ years and new generations are discovering it every day in reruns. Those fans are also discovering the hit songs from kooky Phoebe Buffay. We took a look back over the show's 10 season run and selected our five favorite songs performed by Ms. Buffay. Did your favorite make the list?

5. My Sticky Shoes

Phoebe comes down with a cold which causes her to have a sexy phlegm voice in the fourth season of Friends. Her fans at the coffeehouse love it and this is when they hear "My Sticky Shoes" for the first time. When Phoebe gets better, she tries to get her cold back from Monica and even kissed Gunther to get his germs. Sadly, Phoebe never gets that sexy voice back, but we still love her music.

4. Little Fetus

Later in Friends 4th season, Phoebe decides to be the surrogate for her brother and sister-in-law. While she is waiting to see if she is pregnant, she writes this little ditty. Who knew Phoebe could also write and play music while sitting upside down in a chair? She truly is a talented musician.

3. Two of Them Kissed Last Night

In Friends second season, Ross and Rachel share their first kiss. The only problem is that Ross is dating Julie at the time of the lip lock. The trio become the inspiration for Phoebe's next song. Luckily, she is smart enough to change the character's names so no one catches on - not even Lulie err... I mean Julie.

2. No Power

In the mid-90's there wasn't a lot for people to do during a blackout since cell phones wouldn't become mainstream for another decade. What a better time to write a song! Phoebe uses the blackout for the inspiration and lets her fans know to stay away from spoiled milk. This is one of the best season one Friends episodes.

1. Smelly Cat

It would be a travesty if Smelly Cat didn't the top of our list. This is Phoebe's signature song and she is shown singing it several times throughout the run of the series (mostly in earlier episodes). The song was so popular it was turned into a music video AND a kitty litter commercial. Way to go, Phoebe!

Photo via NBC

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