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  • Writer's pictureTim Gerstenberger

Friends: How the Gang Would Handle the Pandemic

The pandemic of 2020 will go down in history as one of the craziest times of the 21st century. One of our few comforts during this time is television. If you are anything like me than you probably have watched the entire season of Friends three times. While I was watching this classic series, I couldn't help but wonder what the characters would be doing if the show was airing in present time. Well, wonder no longer. Here is what your favorite cast of character would be doing in pandemic 2020.


Monica was always known as the clean freak on Friends. So, it is no surprise that Monica is taking the pandemic very seriously. She cleans every spot in her apartment 5 times a day and even makes Chandler sit in a quarantine tent for a few hours before coming inside the apartment if he ever leaves. She also refuses to let any of the group enter the house, but encourages weekly scheduled zoom calls with an agenda she makes to stay on topic.


Living with Monica during these tough times can get a little crazy for Chandler. You can only clean the same dish so many times before you start to break. Chandler has continued his love for taking long relaxing baths during the pandemic. He has even created his own blog to humorously discuss his wife's crazy antics. In three months, he already has 50,000 subscribers. Chandler also has grown to love dogs and adopted a cute beagle from the pound named Janice.


Phoebe has been pretty lonely during the pandemic since Mike made her get rid of her rat babies and he is quarantined at his own place. She decides to showcase her music talents on YouTube to pass the time. One of her popular new songs is "Pandemic Pants" where she sings about how none of her pants fit any longer. She has also been hosting self massage session for $100 an hour in hopes of making some extra cash, but they aren't that popular yet.


Joey ran out of food on day 1 of the pandemic. He worked out a deal with Monica that she will set out a lasagna in the hallway every day so he doesn't go hungry. With Days of Our Lives on hiatus, he has been working on a new version of the game Fireball and trying to figure out how he keeps losing so many times when he plays Cups online with Ross. At least he has Hugsy and Tinder scrolling to get him through the lonely night.


During the pandemic, Rachel is able to work from home designing man bags. But she finds it way more entertaining to online shop. She has maxed out three of her credit cards on apartment pants and Pottery Barn accessories. Rachel also wants to continue writing her romance novel from season one so we know what happens with the main characters' heaving beasts and throbbing pens.


Since Ross is a Doctor, he has been hosting a weekly Facebook live where he discusses the latest updates on the pandemic. Right now, the only people that are watching are Judy Geller and Chloe the Copy girl. He is also taking the time to write a book about how Jurassic Park could never happen just to prove to Rachel he is right. His online class lectures have an average attendance of 5 students, who always appear to be sleeping.

What do you think the characters of Friends would be doing? Let us know in the comments section below.

Photo by NBC

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