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  • S. Domina

Criminal Minds: Top Five Creepiest Killers

Criminal Minds premiered in 2005 and ran for 15 seasons. Despite fan favorite cast departures, abrupt cast changes, and contract disputes Criminal Minds continued to provide suspenseful and often times creepy episode after episode of serial killer entertainment. As someone who has seen every episode at least three times it is safe to say that Criminal Minds ranks as one of my top shows and is one I recommend to anyone that enjoys trying to solve the crime while watching the show. If that isn’t enough to convince to start your binge, then maybe reading about the top five creepy killers that will make you not want to sleep alone tonight will!

#5 Samantha Malcom “The Uncanny Valley” Season 5 Episode 12

Calling all people with a fear of dolls!!! This episode centers around a killer that is so obsessed with dolls that she starts making her own human versions of them. Throw in some drug induced paralysis and a seriously messed up childhood and you have the makings of Samantha Malcom, one of the creepiest Criminal Minds killers.

#4 Donnie Mallick “Nelson’s Sparrow” Season 10 Episode 13

Donnie didn’t have much of a chance to be anything other than a serial killer, born to a 14-year-old schizophrenic and sent to live with his aunt as his only social interaction. Donnie enjoys birds, so much so that he begins creating his own collection of women turned birds. You will not be able to forget the site of his victim collection in their nests!

#3 Dr. Stanley Howard “Scared to Death” Season 3 Episode 3

What is your worst fear? Fear of the dark? Fear of clowns? Fear of death? Dr. Stanley Howard is here to help you overcome your fears…or so he says as he lulls you into comfort with his psychiatrist title and doctoral degree. But just as you agree to his method of overcoming your fear, he uses it to fulfill his murderous appetite.

#2 Tobias Hankel “The Big Game” Season 2 Episode 14 and “Revelations” Season 2 Episode 15

Something about the combination of a serial killer that also is a techie equals a level of creepiness that seeps into your everyday activities. Should I be covering up that camera on my laptop? Do I really need these wireless security cameras that could be turned on me? Pair that with multiple personalities, religion, and a drug addiction and you have a serial killer so creepy that his story could not be told in a single episode. James Van Der Beek also provides a brilliant performance as the spiraling serial killer!

#1 Billy Flynn a.k.a. The Prince of Darkness “Our Darkest Hour” Season 5 Episode 23 and “The Longest Night” Season 6 Episode 1

Billy Flynn is played by Tim Curry: I don’t think much more needs to be said to convince you that he is the creepiest of Criminal Minds serial killers. If you are not convinced add in rolling blackouts, serial rape, abduction, and well over 200 victims and that should be reason enough to watch this season finale season opener combo centered around The Prince of Darkness.

Who is your favorite? Let us know in the comments sections below.

Photo by: CBS

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